Light up the Valley is 100% funded on donations from generous individuals like yourself.
If you want to help make Light Up The Valley even brighter in 2024,
simply select one or more envelopes below in the amount(s) you want to support.
For every $1 donated, your name will be entered into a drawing to win our BIG giveaway.
ONE Lucky Individual will WIN!
$1,000 in local gift cards.
Shop Local. This basket is filled with gift cards to many favorite local establishments.
It's a great way to support those local businesses who do so much for our communities throughout the year.
Grab your entries below by purchasing an envelope of the amount of your choosing. Every $1 donated is 1 entry to the this giveaway!
Simply choose your donation amount below. Every $1 donated is 1 ticket towards the raffle. This is a unique fundraiser where once an envelope is donated, it is no longer able to be donated a second time. If your desired donation amount is no longer available you may choose more than one envelope or message a friend and have them go in on one with you.
(Remember as a 501c3 your donation is considered a charitable donation on your year end taxes.)
Envelope Sponsors
Envelope sponsor recognition is not a live update.
It will be updated manually on a weekly basis.